The study of Physics is the study of Nature at its most fundamental level. Physics encompasses the study of the universe from the largest galaxies to the smallest subatomic particles. It is an incredibly dynamic and satisfying discipline of study.
Examples of areas of possible further study following an A-Level in Physics include the various disciplines of Physics (for example Astrophysics, Particle Physics, Geophysics), Engineering, Mining, Atmospheric Science and Geology.
Physics Past Papers
Past A-Level Papers for Physics can be found here.
Past IGCSE Physics Papers can be found here.
Past GCSE Physics Papers can be found here.
If there are books or websites that you can recommend for other students, please do let us know and we can include them here.
Should you require any further information on suggested material for exam preparation, or suggestions for material that goes beyond the syllabus, you can discuss options with your tutor. Alternatively contact us directly.
The below recommended textbooks comprehensively cover all of the material in the A Level syllabuses.
Advanced Physics (Advanced Science)
Each topic is clearly presented in a double-page colour spread – including clearly marked areas that go into extra depth beyond A Level. An excellent aid that will support self-study alongside the classroom. The publishers also provide a grid on their website allowing you to cross-check the chapters relevant for your particular syllabus.
Collins Advanced Science – Physics
Similar to “Advanced Physics” – although discusses topics in broader detail. Good for a comprehensive overview and understanding rather than going into significant depth. Easy and clear to read – relevant topics are divided into chapters.
General Interest
Books which are starred (*) are suitable for general interest and appropriate for a popular audience. Please note that some of the books recommended below go well beyond the A-Level Syllabus and are for those students particularly interested in the subject and looking to be stretched. Books marked “Advanced” are Undergraduate level texts.
Feynman Lectures on Physics
R.P. Feymann: The Character of Physical Law (Penguin Press Science)*
T. Hey; P. Walters,: The New Quantum Universe (Advanced)
J. Walker,: The Flying Circus of Physics; WITH ANSWERS
T. Ferris,:Coming of Age in the Milky Way*
G. Gamow.: The New World of Mr Tompkins: George Gamow’s Classic Mr Tompkins in Paperback*
There are many excellent communicators of Physics, and much material available online. Should you have a specific area of interest, please discuss with your tutor who can advise how to take this further.
Professor Stephen Hawking: Many of his lectures describing the nature of the Universe are available to stream on YouTube. The below video is from TED.
Professor Brian Cox: Able to effectively communicate complex ideas, his lectures are engaging and enjoyable. Many are available to stream on YouTube, including the below discussing the work at CERN.
Professor Richard Feynman: One of the greatest Physicists of the 20th Century, many of his lectures and talks, including the one below, are available to stream on YouTube:
The Royal Institution Christmas Lectures are available to stream from the RI Website. Highlights include:
Christmas Lectures 1977: The Planets by Professor Carl Sagan
A classic lecture series exploring the Solar System.