A Level Past Papers
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Past papers from the majority of exam boards are available for download.
If your exam board is not available, please do let us know and we will add the papers we have to the site.
For the relatively new syllabuses, there are not very many past papers available. In these cases, as your tutor will discuss, we often caution against using too many past papers at an early stage, simply because it is desirable to keep some previously unseen past papers that can be completed under exam conditions closer to the exam. For the purposes of practice, we are able to advise on questions from other exam papers which would be suitable.
Further Maths
Using Past Papers
We recommend you sit a number of past papers under examination conditions prior to your actual exam. This will allow you to identify areas of your exam technique which may require further focus; for example pacing the questions, use of calculator functions, providing clear working for solutions etc. For certain syllabuses there are not many past papers, in which case we are happy to help by identifying appropriate questions from other examinations which would provide practice.
Although exam boards provide mark schemes, these should in no way be taken as “model answers”, but simply as providing a minimal indication of where marks are to be awarded.
If you have any further questions regarding the best use of past papers and exam techinque, please talk with your tutor, or contact us directly.